Thursday, November 19, 2009

Haven't Been Here in Awhile.

Well as i sit here in the library with nothing to do i anxiously waiting for B. Don to ask me a question about our english paper which is due tomorrow, although i've already finished it days (haha...lame, i know).
i haven't been on this blog in awhile. I kinda miss it actually. College has been one overwhelming experience already, I can't even imagine being almost done with my first semester of college. It flew by before I could even catch it. I had the usual freshman meltdown in the beginning of the semester, but as time goes on God puts us in our place. I asked myself day & night, "Why am I at PC?" & part of the answer comes from how much my faith has grown in the Lord. My faith has never been stronger & it makes me anxious to get home & share with everyone what God has been doing in my life. 
I've been strained, distressed, disappointed, shot down, stepped down, & so much more here in college & yet there was one moment when I finally felt God snap me in half & said, "Give up McKenzie. Give it all to me, let me help you." & help me he certainly did. I don't ever go a day without spending time in the Word & I'm always finding myself talking to God. It's a pretty exciting feeling. 
As I go home for my super extended Thanksgiving break I look forward to seeing alot of my friends & just sit down & talk. We all know I love talking & I love listening. I believe any story can connect people together, doesnt matter whether we relate or not. 
Well...coming from the PC library, good night & sweet dreams.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Oh the month of February.

So for the past couple of years the month of February has been the longest month, even though it contains 3 days less than almost all the other months. But for the past 4 days, I can feel February coming & going right before my eyes. Even through the rantings of my math teacher & the soccer practices that never seem to end, February is catching March as we know it. After March will come April & after April will come May &....we graduate. Its crazy to think that for one moment we were in kindergarten & learning the alphabet & the next moment we are filling out college applications & wondering where our new home will be next fall....whoa.
Senioritis hit most of the seniors when they were a freshmen & it hits them even harder now as May approaches.

So I guess what I'm trying to say is I hope this last February in high school goes a little slower than all the other years before.
Enjoy it.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Here I Am.

Wow. My mother recently told me I should start blogging because when I head off to college & I'm going to want to say alot. So here I am to share with you my deep thoughts I guess you could call them. I hope you find this as a benefit as much as I find it.